NDIS Disability Services Provider
Wedgetail Living logo

We intertwine lived experience with unparalleled professionalism, offering a truly unique approach to NDIS support. Central Victoria’s trusted partner, we’re redefining personalised care, underpinned by deep connections and unwavering commitment.

Disabled man in wheelchair smiling at camera
Silver eagle
Cartoon house with love heart

In-Home Support

Tailored assistance ensuring comfort and independence in your own sanctuary.

Two speech bubbles

Community Access

Bridging connections, fostering participation and enriching lives within the community.

Cartoon hands holding love heart

Capacity Building

Empowering individuals to enhance their skills and live a life filled with potential.

Who We Are

Your dedicated NDIS provider

At Wedgetail Living, we are not just another NDIS service provider. Nestled in the heart of Central Victoria, including Harcourt, Castlemaine, Bendigo, and Ballarat, we take immense pride in offering a tailored, professional, and inter-personal approach to every service we provide.

We understand the importance of trust and the significance of relationships. Hence, every client is placed in the careful hands of a select group of qualified professionals dedicated to ensuring the highest standard of care.

Supporting you

Why we are different

Our unique model of small teams catering to a handful of clients ensures that care never becomes impersonal or mechanical, but always remains relationship-driven and client-centric.


Willingness and humility guide every interaction, ensuring the diverse needs of all clients are met with genuine care.


Nurturing self-determination and sharpening decision-making, fostering a spirit of resilience and autonomy in our clients.


Responsibility for our actions, safeguarding the trust placed in us by clients, families, extended supports, and regulatory bodies.


Prioritising the wellbeing and security of both our clients and support workers, creating environments of trust, care, and vigilance.

Get more out of your services

Access the support you deserve

We believe every client deserves the highest level of support to live their best life. At Wedgetail Living, we strive to make this a reality. Our services, designed around fostering skills and confidence, help clients of Wedgetail navigate daily challenges while also enriching their lives with new experiences.

With our specialised assistance, be it in-home, in the community, or for capacity building, we stand by our commitment to enhancing each client’s quality of life.

Disabled girl smiling at camera
Make a referral

Do you know someone who is looking for disability support?

If you know someone in Central Victoria who could benefit from a compassionate, professional, and bespoke approach to disability support, please introduce them to Wedgetail Living. Every individual deserves the chance to live their best life with the right support by their side.

Let's connect

Reach out today

Starting on a journey of support and care doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Let us walk beside you.

If you or a loved one is seeking unparalleled disability support, reach out to Wedgetail Living today.

Let’s build a future that’s both fulfilling and empowering.

Disabled boy smiling at camera